Limerick International Tattoo Convention March 28rd,29th, 2019 at the South court Hotel, raheen roundabout, Limerick. Doors open at 11am both days. Limerick tattoo convention NAME OF CONVENTION * NAME AND SURNAME * EMAIL * TELEPHONE * AGE * BUILD M/F * Male Female TATTOO THEME * POSITION ON THE BODY * SIZE * (approssimative in cm) SKIN TAN TYPE Light Medium Dark IMAGES ATTACHED Please attach any photo references to describe as well what you are requiring.NB: if you are requiring for a portrait, you must attach at least one photo of the subject to portray. IMAGE TATTOO 1 IMAGE TATTOO 2 IMAGE TATTOO 3 IMAGE TATTOO 4 IMAGE TATTOO 5 IMAGE TATTOO 6 IMAGE TATTOO 7 IMAGE TATTOO 8 NOTES Items marked with a * are mandatory to be filled in.Clicking SEND REQUEST you accept the terms of the Privacy Policy. 133 Mondial du Tatouage 5 years ago Condividi facebook twitter google+ email